Sunday, January 12, 2014

Invisible Tempest

Last semester I took a fine art photography class, it was hard and emotional but I got through it.

My show is call the Invisible Tempest, it's in the UVU library 5th floor until January 31st if you'd like to see it.

Or you can just see my stuff here, but there are other projects that are absolutely stunning, so I wouldn't want you to miss out on that!

Artist Statement:

The Invisible Tempest

Our brain affects who we are and the quality of life we lead. The brain is a delicate ballet of chemicals and synapses; any missed beat disrupts the whole performance. The mind has it's own unique ecosystem and sometimes when that climate is so severely disturbed, the calm cloud of chemical balance turns into a stormy, swaying mess of branches that need cleaning up. Storms of the mind are natural and brutal, yet invisible to everybody but the person caught in the storm.

Thank you Kashia, Melissa, Kreslyn and ballet ladies for your beautiful inspirations.


OH yea! Leave me a comment so I know you visited!