Saturday, November 16, 2013


UVU sent me and the design team from the Review (our school paper) to Louisville KY for a conference called Society for News Design or SND . Unfortunately I didn't have any sessions dedicated solely to photography but I was with my team, and my WONDERFUL sister-in-law happens to live there as well. We stayed at a posh hotel next to the Ohio river, and our conferences were in the Muhammed Ali museum, they fed us at receptions located in the famous Derby Downs, and a stylish "Ice House".

We were on the 21st floor

downtown architecture scoping out breakfast.


Robin, Tyler, Jaron, Blake, Me, Tara

We took our horse races seriously.

The ACTUAL race track.....Tara and I may have ran across it and touched the other side.

Hanging back from the group to have fun doing things we probably shouldn't

The winner of Tara's birth year

My sis-in-law picked me up saturday morning and showed me around Louisville, the first place we went was an railroad bridge turned walkway, this was the first thing I saw.

Welcome to Kentucky, we'll be your guide!

Nu-Lu district, cool shopping and artsy stuff

We stopped at a free art museum called Speed? I think, anyway there was lots of photography and interactive art with some local students, we had fun there.

I love your face Julianna!

The Red Tree gift shop

cool churches

Julianna dropped me off at the Ice House for the closing reception, this is on our way back to the hotel.

Playing with ghosting

and shutter drag

We had to get up early but we still had lots of energy so we walked around the docks

We saw a couple of (what I assumed homeless men) fishing for catfish. We talked with them a while and I secretly snapped these photos.

The end!

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