Thursday, October 17, 2013

Creatively Wiped Out

I would love to sit here and say that my mind is over flowing with wonderful images and fascinating thoughts of new and inventive ways of expressing myself. Creating a new out look on life or the new creative process tends to be the race with my peers. I'm frustrated with my self because I have this idea of what I'm supposed to be and I'm just not there yet.
Every day I'm told that my work isn't good enough, or I'm not articulating well enough (everyone goes through this, I'm not alone here). I know that the work I've been producing lately isn't crafted as well as my other work. But I feel as though I've lost the magic of photography, that somehow my muse has slipped from my grasp and now I'm just a finger clicking a button. I don't think about what I'm shooting, I don't care about the images anymore and it's seeping through the cracks. I'm just taking pictures, I'm not creating anything. In a way I guess every creative person goes through this and I'm assuming I'll break out and figure out the weakness's or blocks. Perhaps juggling life stuff in addition to school stuff, assignments, travel etc. may be aiding in the conglomerate mess that is in my head.
I'm going to try another approach, and really try in my classes to understand what everyone is trying to say, and try new things that I hadn't thought of.

How do you find your creative magic? Where does it end up? I imagine it's lying low in some valley like heavy fog, probably in Africa.


  1. Yep, pretty much at that place with my job. The wonder of learning and discovery has all but vanished. Now I'm moving a mouse and shifting shapes on a screen, knowing exactly what to do to make something that people will like...but there is no challenge. I think it's time to break into uncharted territory.

    1. Totally there with you, I'm going back to the darkroom tomorrow for some creative manipulations. Hopefully they will seed some creative power!

  2. I really like this post. It's really sweet, and I totally love that photo of my little gal. It kind of makes me think like she's reaching out to find one different thing in that little puzzle piece of mud, when it's really just like all the others.


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