Sunday, August 25, 2013

How to Photograph Lightning

Things you will need:

A camera with the ability to take at least 30 second exposures.

A tripod

Either a wide angle lens or a zoom. You pick!

The storm

If you've ever wanted to take pictures of lightning it's actually quite easy!

Set your camera's ISO at about 400, your Fstop closed to a 5.6 or 8, focus all the way out, also anything after a certain point will be in focus, Shutter speed at 30 seconds or on "bulb" or "time"

Prop up camera on a tri-pod and point in direction of lighting. Sometimes you might have to fiddle with the fstops and shutter speeds, I found that thirty seconds was great for my Nikon. I mainly used an 85mm lens and did little post processing.

These photos were taken outside of Needles CA heading towards Kingman AZ.


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