Friday, July 20, 2012

How to Clean a Car Battery-

So a few things I've learned since getting married- the laundry is NEVER completely done and when it rains it pours. In my case this is both metaphorical and literal.

Lets just start out with Andrew's car, before we left for TN we spent a good 1200.00 to get it up and running, as well as another 400.00 for my car. Luckily I still had a good paying job and we had had some savings.

Andrew's car starts acting up and he has to get the clutch repaired and he has to jump his car often to get it started, usually I'm the one to do that draining my battery as well.

One day my car didn't start while I was at the office, about a block away straight up a HUGE hill, I knew it was my battery and I needed to get to work pronto. Long story short both our batteries need to be replaced, we don't get paid til this weekend, and I've been stuck here at the house since Wednesday nursing a sunburn and living like our cats-lazy.

Andrew calls me last night in a panic saying there was a big storm coming and my car windows are open, tell me something I don't know! So I hiked up to my car and tried to get enough power to at least roll the windows up it was a no go.

Then this bad boy showed up! Music by First Aid Kit-Emmylou

So this morning I not only noticed yet another big storm coming our way but had a thought to clean my battery cables in hopes to get it started.

There were puddles of water everywhere in my car :(

Things you need- Baking soda, water, husbands toothbrush (He needs a new one I'll get him one tomorrow)

Mix the water and baking soda and pour it on!

 Then scrub!

 It's satisfying.
 And pretty!

Awww. I felt like I polluted the world with my battery acid!

This trick gave me enough power to roll the windows up!

Now purely for your enjoyment:


  1. It’s great to hear that you were able to roll your windows up before the storm arrived! When you’re battery was dying on you, were you able to bring it to a mechanic to have it checked? Maybe, your battery just needs a recharge. Or, maybe your alternator is busted, which I hope is not the case. You posted this last July, which makes it three months since your battery started acting up. I’m looking forward to hear what happened. Take care!

    1. Thanks Nelson! I ended up having to buy a whole new battery! It was really old like 2006 old haha. but when put into a situation where I HAVE to take care of something myself I'm glad was able to learn as much as I did :)

  2. At least your battery lasted six years! ^_^ Judging from the battery’s condition, I think it’s easy to see that it’s at the end of its life. That acid build-up is toxic to the engine and to you as well. In the end, I’m glad that you were able to circumvent the current issue on your own. GREAT JOB!

  3. Yea I clean my battery with baking soda and water. After it is clean and dry spray it good with hair spray and it will stay clean of acid for a long time.


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